Thursday, January 24, 2013

What's IC?

IC is Inter-Active Communications, the consulting brand I created and represent. My name is Veronica Rivas and I am a public relations and communications consultant based in Vancouver.

I had a hard time thinking about a theme for this blog since it’s about what do but also about who I am. In addition, there are so many specialized sites out there written by far more knowledgeable people, in things I am also interested such as communications, technology, sustainability, social media, wine & food, dogs, living in YVR, etc.

So I came to the conclusion that  it would perhaps be interesting to write about my work experience, events I work on, people I connect with, places I visit, things I care about, and what I learn from my clients. So IC Vancouver really it’s really about how I see the city.
My most recent visit to Steveston

Me and my husband Brian

Enjoying summer

I moved to Vancouver 8 years ago to gain international experience. Since then many things had happened: I got married, worked for award winning public relations agencies, forged a fantastic group of friends and had the opportunity to travel in Canada, US and Mexico.

During my career in communications I had the opportunity to be part of some amazing events promoting or representing clients. In British Columbia and Alberta I have coordinated promotions with the Vancouver Canucks, Celebration of Light, IMAX, Eat! Vancouver, Wedding Show, Global Fest, LPGA, and Mexi-Go! Travel and Trade Expo, among many others.

Although I must say that working with journalists and media has always been my favourite part of the job, of course, press trips can be quite enjoyable too!

Enough about me. This blog it’s about Vancouver its places, people, events and the cool things the city has to offer along with some thoughts about PR and communications.

Thanks for visiting!

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